Sacred Geometry Hamsa Hand Magic Circle Silicone Mold (9 Cavity) | Flower of Life Tree of Life Seed of Life Metatron's Cube Chakras Mould
Sacred geometry, hamsa hand and magic circle cabochon silicone mold assortment. No releasing agent is needed, finished work can be easily pop out from the...

Sacred geometry, hamsa hand and magic circle cabochon silicone mold assortment. No releasing agent is needed, finished work can be easily pop out from the mold. Excellent for UV resin, epoxy resin jewelry, cabochon making, etc
★ Measurement:
- Round: approx. 4.9cm or 1.93" (Diameter)
- Dodecagon: approx. 5.1cm or 2.01" (Diameter)
- Hamsa hand: approx. 4.7cm (W) x 6.2cm (L) / 1.85" (W) x 2.44" (L)
★ Can be washed with hot, soapy water. But do not wash mold with abrasive pads.